The Nelson service provides a fairly extensive HTTP API. Most endpoints accept and return application/json representations. As the API is quite extensive (every action Nelson takes has an API), this document has been broken down into a set of logical sections outlined below:


This section describes some common themes in the Nelson API.

  1. Authentication
  2. User Agent Required
  3. Error Reporting


All requests to Nelson are secured. The expectation is that every request includes the Nelson security token. The following is an example:


The cookie can be obtained via two of methods. The typical user path will be via the OAuth workflow, authenticating with the backend GitHub endpoint (GitHub Enterprise or In this case, the browser automatically collects the token and stores it in the browser cache.

For programmatic API access, the user needs to supply a GitHub personal access token to Nelson, which will then be exchanged for a Nelson security token.

POST /auth/github
Name Type Description
access_token string The personal access token obtained from the aforementioned GitHub instance.

User Agents

Nelson restricts the User-Agent of callers, so every request sent to Nelson must supply a User-Agent. The server configuration details a set of banned user-agent strings, which is used as a mechanism to force clients to upgrade over time.

The following is an example.

User-Agent: NelsonCLI/1.0

If you provide an invalid or restricted User-Agent header, you will receive a 403 Forbidden response.

Error Reporting

Nelson endpoints attempt to be good HTTP citizens and return appropriate 4xx status codes when the calling client is at fault, and only falls back to 5xx errors when the service itself was at fault.

Code Description
400 Bad Request Returned if a request body could not be parsed. For instance, if a POST request contains ill-formed JSON, the following would be returned.

{"message":"Could not parse JSON"}
415 Unsupported Media Type Returned if a request did not send an acceptable media type. Requests with a JSON body should send a Content-Type: application/json header.

{"message":"No media type specified in Content-Type header. Expected one of the following media ranges: application/json"}
422 Unprocessable Entity Returned if a request body could be parsed, but not decoded, due to a missing or mistyped field. The error returns a message and a cursor_history field from the JSON decoder. This response is for a request that's missing an access_token:

  "message": "Validation failed",
  "cursor_history": "CursorHistory([*.--\\(access_token)])"
500 Internal Server Error The service encountered an unexpected exception whilst processing a request. This was not expected, and information is reported to the server log, but not reported in the response for security reasons.

{"message":"An internal error occurred"}


  1. List Events

List all the audit events, matching the query parameters (if supplied).

List Events

GET /v1/audit
Name Type Required Description
release_id int No The release ID that you specifically want to fetch audit events for.
limit int No The maximum number of events to return in a given response.
offset int No Where to start reading events from in the audit stream.


  1. List Datacenters
  2. Inspect Datacenter
  3. Create Namespaces

List Datacenters

GET /v1/datacenters
    "namespaces": [
        "id": 3,
        "name": "dev",
        "units_url": ",manual,deprecated",
        "deployments_url": "",
    "datacenter_url": "",
    "name": "massachusetts"
    "namespaces": [
        "id": 4,
        "name": "dev",
        "units_url": ",manual,deprecated",
        "deployments_url": "",
    "datacenter_url": "",
    "name": "texas"

Inspect Datacenter

GET /v1/datacenters/:dcname
  "namespaces": [
      "id": 4,
      "name": "dev",
      "units_url": ",manual,deprecated",
      "deployments_url": "",
  "datacenter_url": "",
  "name": "texas"

Create Namespaces

POST /v1/datacenters/:dcname/namespaces
Name Type Required Description
namespaces array[string] Yes A list of namespace labels.
  "namespaces": [

Successful completion of this operation yields a 200 with empty response body.

Load Balancers

  1. List Load Balancers
  2. Inspect Load Balancers
  3. Create Load Balancer
  4. Destroy Load Balancer

List Load Balancers

Listing the available load balancers in a given namespace displays all the associated routes for that load balancers, and optionally, depending on the load balancer backend in use, the externally accessible URL.

GET /v1/loadbalancers
    "name": "foobar-lb--1--6i07ecdr",
    "routes": [
        "backend_port_reference": "default",
        "backend_name": "foobar-http",
        "lb_port": 8444
    "guid": "e2e09310d926",
    "deploy_time": 1483739055573,
    "address": "",
    "datacenter": "texas",
    "namespace": "dev",
    "major_version": 1

Inspect Load Balancer

GET /v1/loadbalancers/:guid
  "name": "foobar-lb--1--6i07ecdr",
  "routes": [
      "backend_port_reference": "default",
      "backend_name": "foobar-http",
      "lb_port": 8444
  "guid": "e2e09310d926",
  "deploy_time": 1483739055573,
  "address": "",
  "datacenter": "texas",
  "namespace": "dev",
  "major_version": 1

Create Load Balancer

POST /v1/loadbalancers
  "name": "foobar-lb",
  "major_version": 1,
  "datacenter": "texas",
  "namespace": "dev"

Successful completion of this operation yields a 200 with empty response body.

Destroy Load Balancer

DELETE /v1/loadbalancers/:guid

Successful completion of this operation yields a 200 with empty response body.


  1. Sync User Profile
  2. Lint Manifest
  3. Lint Template
  4. List Cleanup Policies

Sync User Profile

POSTing to this URL will result in Nelson fetching the latest list of repositories from GitHub and updating this user’s permission set. Typically, this API is used by the user-interface, but might need to be called when a new repository was created that the user wishes to enable deployment for.

POST /v1/profile/sync

Lint Manifest

The service can verify if a supplied manifest is valid or not (e.g. if the dependencies specified in the file don’t exist, validation will fail).

POST /v1/lint
Name Type Required Description
units array Yes List of informational objects about the available units.
manifest string Yes Base64 encoded string representation of the .nelson.yml file.
  "units": [
      "kind": "foo"
      "name": "foo-1.0"
  "manifest": "XXXXXXXX"

Lint Template

The service can verify if a supplied Consul template will render or not in the container. A template is uploaded with the name of its unit and a set of resources. The template is rendered with a Vault token appropriate to the unit and resources, along with all the NELSON_ environment variables. If the template renders successfully, a successful status is returned. If the template can’t be rendered, the errors are displayed so the developer can fix them before deploying the unit.

POST /v1/validate-template
Name Type Required Description
unit string Yes Name of the unit owning the template. Units will be validated in dev against the policy for this unit.
resources array Yes An array of resources accessed by the unit. Access will be granted to these resources in the policy.
template string Yes Base64 encoded string representation of the template to render.
  "unit": "howdy-http",
  "resources": ["s3"],
  "template": "SGVsbG8sIGNvbnN1bC10ZW1wbGF0ZQo="

On success, a 204. The rendered template output is suppressed for security reasons.

On failure, a 400 with details and message:

    "details": "2017/02/06 20:25:47.495957 [INFO] consul-template v0.18.0 (5211c66)\n2017/02/06 20:25:47.495969 [INFO] (runner) creating new runner (dry: true, once: true)\n2017/02/06 20:25:47.496155 [INFO] (runner) creating watcher\n2017/02/06 20:25:47.500011 [INFO] (runner) starting\n2017/02/06 20:25:47.500083 [INFO] (runner) initiating run\nConsul Template returned errors:\n/consul-template/templates/nelson2613876961835551321.template: parse: template: :3: unterminated quoted string\n",
    "message": "template rendering failed"

List Cleanup Policies

List the available cleanup policies available in this instance of Nelson.

GET /v1/cleanup-policies
    "description": "retains forever, or until someone manually decommissions",
    "policy": "retain-always"


  1. List Repositories
  2. List Repository Releases
  3. List All Releases
  4. Inspect Release
  5. Enable Repository
  6. Disable Repository

List Repositories

GET /v1/repos
GET /v1/repos?owner=tim
GET /v1/repos?state=active
Name Type Required Description
owner string No List only repositories with the specified owner.
state string No List only repositories with the specified state; options are: active.
    "repository": "foobar",
    "slug": "tim/foobar",
    "id": 6124,
    "hook": null,
    "owner": "tim",
    "access": "admin"

List Repository Releases

GET /v1/repos/:org/:repo/releases
    "timestamp": "2016-06-28T20:01:40.091Z",
    "release_url": "",
    "slug": "example/howdy",
    "github_html_url": "",
    "version": "0.38.131",
    "id": 990,
    "deployments": [
        "name": "howdy-http",
        "timestamp": "2016-06-28T20:02:26.810Z",
        "description": "provides the server component of the 'howdy' demo",
        "unit_id": 2,
        "deployment_url": "",
        "hash": "i5hbv0bd",
        "id": 3,
        "status": "deploying",
        "kind": "service",
        "dependencies": []
        "name": "howdy-batch",
        "timestamp": "2016-06-28T20:01:40.370Z",
        "description": "example batch job\n",
        "unit_id": 3,
        "deployment_url": "",
        "hash": "o6sbrepj",
        "id": 2,
        "status": "deploying",
        "kind": "job",
        "dependencies": []

List All Releases

GET /v1/releases

Inspect Release

GET /v1/releases/:id

Enable Repository

POST /v1/repos/:org/:repo/hook

Disable Repository

DELETE /v1/repos/:org/:repo/hook


  1. List Stacks
  2. Inspect Stack
  3. Create Manually
  4. Redeploy
  5. Reverse Traffic Shift
  6. Inspect Logs

List Stacks

GET /v1/deployments
Name Type Required Description
namespace string[,string,...] Yes Comma delimited set of namespaces you want to list deployments for.
status string[,string,...] No Comma delimited set of status values (e.g. active,deploying).
dc string[,string,...] No Comma delimited set of datacenter names the result set include.
unit string No Unit name.
    "workflow": "magnetar",
    "guid": "b5280a26c026",
    "stack_name": "howdy-batch--0-38-155--aclq8j4j",
    "deployed_at": 1470784352740,
    "unit": "howdy-batch",
    "datacenter": "texas",
    "namespace": "dev",
    "plan": "dev-plan"
    "workflow": "magnetar",
    "guid": "072bdf0b99e8",
    "stack_name": "howdy-batch--0-38-155--5mrkdta9",
    "deployed_at": 1470784281154,
    "unit": "howdy-batch",
    "datacenter": "massachusetts",
    "namespace": "dev",
    "plan": "dev-plan"

Inspect Stack

GET /v1/deployments/:guid
  "workflow": "magnetar",
  "guid": "072bdf0b99e8",
  "statuses": [
      "timestamp": "2016-08-09T23:12:07.267Z",
      "message": "howdy-batch deployed to massachusetts",
      "status": "active"
      "timestamp": "2016-08-09T23:12:06.727Z",
      "message": "instructing massachusetts's nomad to handle job container",
      "status": "deploying"
      "timestamp": "2016-08-09T23:12:06.063Z",
      "message": "writing alert definitions to massachusetts's consul",
      "status": "deploying"
      "timestamp": "2016-08-09T23:11:21.295Z",
      "message": "replicating to remote registry",
      "status": "deploying"
      "timestamp": "2016-08-09T23:11:21.243Z",
      "message": "",
      "status": "pending"
  "stack_name": "howdy-batch--0-38-155--5mrkdta9",
  "deployed_at": 1470784281154,
  "unit": "howdy-batch",
  "expiration": 1470902303320,
  "dependencies": {
    "outbound": [],
    "inbound": []
  "namespace": "dev",
  "plan": "dev-plan"

Create Manually

POST /v1/deployments
Name Type Required Description
datacenter string Yes TBD
namespace string Yes TBD
service_type string Yes TBD
version string Yes TBD
hash string Yes TBD
description string Yes TBD
port int Yes TBD


Sometimes it is necessary to redeploy an existing stack. In this event, simply POST an empty body to the following API:

POST /v1/deployments/:guid/redeploy

Reverse Traffic Shift

Sometimes it is necessary to reverse an in-progress traffic shift. In this event, simply POST an empty body to the following API:

POST /v1/deployments/:guid/trafficshift/reverse

Inspect Logs

Collect the entire log of workflow execution as Nelson processed it, for a given stack deployment. The workflow log allows the caller to see exactly what Nelson did on the user’s behalf, without requiring access to the Nelson server. The response includes every log line and an offset that allows the caller to only receive a subset of the log output.

GET /v1/deployments/:guid/logs
  "content": [
    "deployment initialized",
    "container extracted",
    "======> workflow completed <======",
    "decommissioning deployment heydiddlyho-http--0-33-69--56rk8kv0 in massachusetts"
  "offset": 0


  1. List Units
  2. Commit Units
  3. Deprecate Unit

List Units

GET /v1/units

Commit Units

Commits a unit@version combination to a target namespace. See committing for more.

POST /v1/units/commit

  "unit": "unit-name",
  "version": "1.9.32",
  "target": "qa"

Deprecate Unit

POST /v1/units/deprecate


  1. GitHub Listener

GitHub Listener

POST /listener