package yaml
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
- class AlertingYaml extends AnyRef
- class BackendDestinationParser extends JavaTokenParsers
- class ClusterYaml extends AnyRef
- class ConstraintYaml extends AnyRef
- class DatacenterTargetYaml extends AnyRef
- class DependencyYaml extends AnyRef
- class GroupByYaml extends AnyRef
- class HealthCheckYaml extends AnyRef
- class InstancesYaml extends AnyRef
- class LikeYaml extends AnyRef
- class LoadbalancerYaml extends AnyRef
- class ManifestYaml extends AnyRef
- class NamespaceLoadbalancerYaml extends AnyRef
- class NamespaceUnitYaml extends AnyRef
- class NamespaceYaml extends AnyRef
- class NotificationEmailYaml extends AnyRef
- class NotificationSlackYaml extends AnyRef
- class NotificationYaml extends AnyRef
- class PlanResourceYaml extends AnyRef
- class PlanYaml extends AnyRef
- class PortParser extends JavaTokenParsers
- class PrometheusAlertYaml extends AnyRef
- class PrometheusConfigYaml extends AnyRef
- class PrometheusRuleYaml extends AnyRef
- class ResourceYaml extends AnyRef
- class RouteYaml extends AnyRef
- class TrafficShiftYaml extends AnyRef
UnitYaml extends AnyRef
Ok this is a bit janky: 'required' fields should have their value initially set to '_' whilst fields that are "optional" should have their value set to a sane default, such as an empty list in the case of lists.
- class VolumeYaml extends AnyRef
- class WorkflowYaml extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object BackendDestinationParser
- object ManifestParser extends YamlParser[Manifest]
- object ManifestV1Parser
This parser expects the following syntax to be used when serialising port definitions - all elements are required.
This parser expects the following syntax to be used when serialising port definitions - all elements are required.
Where the elements specifically are:
* name: represents the logical 'name' or 'reference' you want to use this port for. Examples would be 'default' for the default service port, 'monitoring' for the monitoring port, or something like 'mutualtls' for a secure channel. The actual name is not important, but being a short, obvious reference to what it served on that particular port is typically useful.
* port: the actual port number the container binds too when exposing network functionaltiy. It goes without saying that the number must be between 1 and 65535 to form a valid, usable port definition.
* protocol: the protocol used by the service being exposed by this port. This param is used by nelson to know what should be done to the routing tables.
Here are some examples of usage, that are valid and accepted by this parser:
default->9080/https monitoring->4444/tcp