
final case class H2Storage(xa: doobie.Transactor[IO]) extends ~>[StoreOp, IO] with Product with Serializable

Linear Supertypes
Product, Equals, FunctionK[StoreOp, IO], Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. H2Storage
  2. Product
  3. Equals
  4. FunctionK
  5. Serializable
  6. Serializable
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new H2Storage(xa: doobie.Transactor[IO])

Type Members

  1. type AuditRow = (ID, Instant, Option[Long], String, String, String, Option[String])
  2. type BlueprintRow = (GUID, String, Option[String], Option[Sha256], Long, String, Instant)
  3. type DeploymentRow = (ID, ID, ID, String, Instant, WorkflowRef, PlanRef, GUID, ExpirationPolicyRef, Option[String])
  4. type DeploymentWithStatusRow = (ID, ID, ID, String, Instant, WorkflowRef, PlanRef, GUID, ExpirationPolicyRef, Option[String], DeploymentStatusString)
  5. type LoadbalancerRow = (ID, ID, String, ID, String, MajorVersion, Instant, GUID, String)
  6. case class ReleaseRow(slug: Slug, version: Version, timestamp: Instant, releaseId: Long, releaseHtmlUrl: URI, unitName: String, namespace: String, hash: String, deployid: Long, deployTimestamp: Instant, deployStatus: DeploymentStatus, deployGuid: GUID) extends Product with Serializable
  7. type ReleaseTuple = (String, String, Instant, Option[Long], Option[String], Option[String], String, String, Long, Instant, Option[String], GUID)
  8. type RouteRow = (Int, String, String, String, String)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addUnit(vunit: @@[UnitDef, Versioned], repo_id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]
  5. def and[H[_]](h: FunctionK[StoreOp, H]): FunctionK[StoreOp, [γ$4$]Tuple2K[IO, H, γ$4$]]
    Definition Classes
  6. def andThen[H[_]](f: FunctionK[IO, H]): FunctionK[StoreOp, H]
    Definition Classes
  7. def apply[A](s: StoreOp[A]): IO[A]
    Definition Classes
    H2Storage → FunctionK
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. def audit[A](event: AuditEvent[A]): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  10. def auditLogFromRow(row: AuditRow): AuditLog
  11. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  12. def compose[E[_]](f: FunctionK[E, StoreOp]): FunctionK[E, IO]
    Definition Classes
  13. def countDeploymentsByStatus(since: Long): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[(String, Int)]]
  14. def createDatacenter(dc: Datacenter): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]
  15. def createDeployment(unitId: ID, hash: String, namespace: Namespace, wf: WorkflowRef, plan: PlanRef, expPolicy: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]

  16. def createDeploymentExpiration(id: ID, exp: Instant): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  17. def createDeploymentResource(deploymentId: ID, name: String, uri: URI): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  18. def createDeploymentStatus(id: ID, status: DeploymentStatus, msg: Option[String]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]

  19. def createManualDeployment(datacenter: Datacenter, namespace: NamespaceName, serviceType: String, version: String, hash: String, description: String, port: Int, exp: Instant): doobie.ConnectionIO[GUID]
  20. def createNamespace(dc: String, name: NamespaceName): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]

    datacenter is the primary key and here acts as a forigen key for namespaces.

    datacenter is the primary key and here acts as a forigen key for namespaces. We never want two datacenters with the same name.

  21. def createRelease(r: DeploymentEvent): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]

  22. def createTrafficShift(nsid: ID, to: Deployment, policy: TrafficShiftPolicy, dur: FiniteDuration): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  23. def deleteAndThenCreateExpiration(id: ID, exp: Instant): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  24. def deleteExpirations(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Int]
  25. def deleteLoadbalancerDeployment(lbid: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Int]
  26. def deleteRepositories(repos: NonEmptyList[Repo]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]
  27. def deploymentFromRow(row: DeploymentRow): doobie.ConnectionIO[Deployment]
  28. def deploymentWithStatusFromRow(row: DeploymentWithStatusRow): doobie.ConnectionIO[(Deployment, DeploymentStatus)]
  29. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  30. def fetchDeployments(sql: doobie.ConnectionIO[List[DeploymentRow]]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[Deployment]]
  31. def fetchDeploymentsWithStatuses(sql: doobie.ConnectionIO[List[DeploymentWithStatusRow]]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[(Deployment, DeploymentStatus)]]
  32. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  33. def findBlueprint(name: String, revision: Revision): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Blueprint]]

    Use cases exist for fetching a single, discrete revision of a blueprint and also generically fetching whatever the latest might be.

    Use cases exist for fetching a single, discrete revision of a blueprint and also generically fetching whatever the latest might be. In this way, we funnel all that through a single function that either uses a different constraint to get a single record, or in the latter case, sorts by descending revision and picks the head record.

  34. def findDeployment(stackName: StackName): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Deployment]]
  35. def findDeploymentExpiration(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Instant]]
  36. def findLastReleaseDeploymentStatus(r: Slug, u: UnitName): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[DeploymentStatus]]

  37. def findLoadbalancerDeployment(name: String, v: MajorVersion, nsid: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[LoadbalancerDeployment]]
  38. def findRelease(id: Long): doobie.ConnectionIO[SortedMap[Released, List[ReleasedDeployment]]]

  39. def findReleaseByDeploymentGuid(guid: GUID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[(Released, ReleasedDeployment)]]

    Given a deployment ID, find all the associated gubbins.

  40. def findReleasedByUnitNameAndVersion(un: UnitName, v: Version): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Released]]
  41. def findRepository(u: User, slug: Slug): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Repo]]

    Fetch a single repository based on the supplied slug.

  42. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. def getCurrentTargetForServiceName(ns: ID, sn: ServiceName): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Target]]

    This will first try to find a traffic shift, if none is found, it will try to find the latest matching deployment

  44. def getDeployment(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Deployment]
  45. def getDeploymentByGuid(guid: GUID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Deployment]]
  46. def getDeploymentResources(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[(String, URI)]]
  47. def getDeploymentStatus(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[DeploymentStatus]]
  48. def getDeploymentsForServiceNameByStatus(sn: ServiceName, ns: ID, status: NonEmptyList[DeploymentStatus]): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Deployment]]
  49. def getLatestReleaseForLoadbalancer(name: String, mv: MajorVersion): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Released]]
  50. def getLoadbalancer(name: String, v: MajorVersion): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[DCLoadbalancer]]
  51. def getLoadbalancerDeployment(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[LoadbalancerDeployment]]
  52. def getLoadbalancerDeploymentByGUID(guid: GUID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[LoadbalancerDeployment]]
  53. def getLoadbalancerRoutes(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Vector[Route]]
  54. def getMostAndLeastDeployed(since: Long, number: Int, sortOrder: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[(String, Int)]]
  55. def getNamespace(dc: String, nsName: NamespaceName): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[Namespace]]
  56. def getNamespaceByID(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Namespace]
  57. def getTrafficShiftForServiceName(ns: ID, sn: ServiceName): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[TrafficShift]]
  58. def getUnit(name: String, version: Version): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[DCUnit]]
  59. def getUnitById(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[DCUnit]
  60. def getUnitDependencies(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[ServiceName]]
  61. def getUnitResources(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[String]]
  62. def insertBlueprint(name: String, description: Option[String], sha256: Sha256, template: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  63. def insertLoadbalancer(lb: Loadbalancer, version: MajorVersion, repoId: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  64. def insertLoadbalancerDeployment(lbid: ID, nsid: ID, hash: String, address: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  65. def insertLoadbalancerIfAbsent(lbv: @@[Loadbalancer, Versioned], repoId: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[ID]
  66. def insertOrUpdateRepositories(list: List[Repo]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]

    Does what it says on the function.

  67. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  68. def killRelease(slug: Slug, version: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[Either[Throwable, Unit]]
  69. def linkRepositoriesToUser(list: List[Repo], u: User): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]

    Given a set of repositories, associate them with a specific user.

    Given a set of repositories, associate them with a specific user. This is used when we are syncing repositories at the behence of a user.

  70. def listAuditLog(limit: Long, offset: Long, action: Option[String], category: Option[String]): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[AuditLog]]
  71. def listAuditLogByReleaseId(limit: Long, offset: Long, releaseId: Long): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[AuditLog]]
  72. val listBlueprints: doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Blueprint]]

    Fetches the latest blueprint revision for every known blueprint.

    Fetches the latest blueprint revision for every known blueprint. The idea here is to provide insight into what blueprints exist in the system; given we have the inspection API for checking specific revisions, simply showing what's available and a pointer to the latest revision, should be informative enough.

  73. def listDatacenters: doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[String]]
  74. def listDeploymentStatuses(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[(DeploymentStatus, Option[StatusMessage], Instant)]]

  75. def listDeploymentsForDatacenter(dc: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[Deployment]]

  76. def listDeploymentsForNamespaceByStatus(ns: ID, stats: NonEmptyList[DeploymentStatus], unit: Option[UnitName] = None): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[(Deployment, DeploymentStatus)]]
  77. def listDeploymentsForUnitByStatus(nsid: ID, name: UnitName, stats: NonEmptyList[DeploymentStatus]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[Deployment]]

  78. def listLoadbalancerDeploymentsForNamespace(nsid: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Vector[LoadbalancerDeployment]]
  79. def listNamespacesForDatacenter(dc: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[Namespace]]
  80. def listRecentReleasesForRepository(slug: Slug): doobie.ConnectionIO[SortedMap[Released, List[ReleasedDeployment]]]

  81. def listReleases(limit: Int): doobie.ConnectionIO[SortedMap[Released, List[ReleasedDeployment]]]

  82. def listRepositories(u: User): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Repo]]

    Fetch all repositories for a given user.

  83. def listRepositoriesWithActiveHooks(u: User): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Repo]]

    List all the repositories the user has access too that have webhooks enabled.

  84. def listRepositoriesWithOwner(u: User, owner: String): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Repo]]

    Fetch all repositories for a given owner, that the specified user has access too.

  85. def listShiftableDeployments(unit: UnitDef, ns: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[List[Deployment]]
  86. def listUnitsByStatus(nsid: ID, statuses: NonEmptyList[DeploymentStatus]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Vector[(GUID, ServiceName)]]
  87. val log: Logger
  88. implicit val metaFeatureVersion: doobie.Meta[FeatureVersion]
  89. implicit val metaFiniteDuration: doobie.Meta[FiniteDuration]
  90. implicit val metaInstant: doobie.Meta[Instant]
  91. implicit val metaMajorVersion: doobie.Meta[MajorVersion]
  92. implicit val metaVersion: doobie.Meta[Version]
  93. implicit val namespaceName: doobie.Meta[NamespaceName]
  94. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  95. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  96. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  97. def or[H[_]](h: FunctionK[H, IO]): FunctionK[[γ$1$]EitherK[StoreOp, H, γ$1$], IO]
    Definition Classes
  98. def reverseTrafficShift(toID: ID, rev: Instant): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[ID]]
  99. def rowToReleased(row: (String, String, Instant, Long, String)): Option[Released]
  100. def startTrafficShift(from: ID, to: ID, st: Instant): doobie.ConnectionIO[Option[ID]]
  101. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  102. def unitDependencies(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[ServiceName]]
  103. def unitPorts(id: ID): doobie.ConnectionIO[Set[Port]]
  104. def updateDeploymentBlueprint(id: ID, bp: Option[RenderedBlueprint]): doobie.ConnectionIO[Unit]

    update the renderedBlueprint field of a deployment.

    update the renderedBlueprint field of a deployment. This is not a generalized update on Deployment as that would lead to wider mutabiltiy, which is highly discouraged.

  105. def verifyDeployable(dcName: String, ns: NamespaceName, unit: UnitDef): doobie.ConnectionIO[ValidatedNel[NelsonError, Unit]]
  106. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  107. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  108. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  109. val xa: doobie.Transactor[IO]

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from FunctionK[StoreOp, IO]

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
